The children’s ministry is divided into four main areas so that the needs of the basic age groups can most easily be addressed. The areas include the "Kingdom’s Kids" (nursery and toddlers), "Kids In Action" (elementary) and "Rising Generation" (middle school). The intent is not to simply keep the children occupied and happy, but to instill, even at an early age, an appreciation and understanding of the Word of God, a salvation encounter with the Lord, development of their individual gifts and talents, and a development of a kingdom mentality. We want our children to be strong in the Lord and equipped early in life. The children, even the youngest, are not only receptive (Mark 10:15), but are hearing God, experiencing dreams, prophesying (Acts 2:17) and enjoying worship.
Address: 8800 Broadway Suite 225 San Antonio TX 78217
Phone: (210) 829-1792