Ministry of Intercessors
{Isaiah 65:24} … It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.
Prayer is an essential part of a Christian’s walk with God and the life of the church. This is how we communicate with him, and one way he communicates with us. When the veil was torn, we were given intimate and immediate access to God, but he also assigns us the responsibility of praying for other people. Our prayer is a major factor in advancing God’s kingdom in this world. Join our Intercessory Team at the City of Refuge as boldly come into the Father’s presence (Hebrews 4:16). We meet every Tuesday night @ 7:00 PM at church. Additionally, every Tuesday is 24hr prayer and suggested fasting.
Address: 8800 Broadway Suite 225 San Antonio TX 78217
Phone: (210) 829-1792