Prophetic Ministry
1 Corinthians 14 indicates that everyone should desire to prophesy. All believers are called to operate in the prophetic dimension. Therefore, every Christian should know and understand the full dimension of prophetic ministry. The prophetic operates at three distinct but very different levels: (1) Those specific ministers who hold the five-fold ministry gift of the Prophet, (2) Other five-fold ministers-- Apostles, Pastors, Teachers, and Evangelists operating prophetically in their respective offices and (3) All believers. After the Cross all believers have the trifold-ministry anointing – king, prophet, and priest- as ambassadors for Christ and His kingdom. At the City of Refuge, everyone is afforded the opportunity to grow, develop, and mature in the prophetic ministry.
God is raising a prophetic people who will apostolically carry the gospel of the kingdom to the ends of the earth. At the City of Refuge, we are establishing a prophetic culture, a healthy church that hears the voice of God with clarity, a church on the front lines; a company of Prophets, and a people equipped, bold, and firm about what God is saying and what the Spirit is doing in this season. Toward that end, as part of our School of Ministry curriculum, we provide ongoing training and equipping in all aspects of the prophetic realm. In addition, on the first Wednesday of every month, prophetic training and activation are provided, designed to impart what is needed for effective hearing, seeing, discerning, and communicating in the Spirit, by Lead Elder Rolando La Rosa, five-fold Prophet.
Address: 8800 Broadway Suite 225 San Antonio TX 78217
Phone: (210) 829-1792